開催日 2023.11.11.土曜日

Connecting about 40 satellite venues throughout Japan and general participants with the world

The event ended on a high note.
Thank you very much for your participation from all over the world.

Sponsorship SEISA Africa Asia Bridge 2023 executive committee
Joint sponsorship Kokusai Gakuen Education Institute / SEISA Education Institute
Supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / Kanagawa Pref. / City of Odawara / Hakone town / Oiso town / International Affairs Bureau City of Yokohama / Kanagawa Prefectural Board of Education / Yokohama City Board of Education / Odawara City Board of Education / Oiso Town Board of Education / Japan International Cooperation Agency Yokohama center / Yokohama SDGs Design center / Public interest incorporated foundation Foundation for Global Children / General Incorporated Association SEISA group
Cooperation SEISA KIDS planet Education Institute / SEISA Social Welfare Organization / SEISA Gakuen
Measures to Prevent COVID-19 Infection at Events Measures to Prevent COVID-19 Infection at Events

「Seisa High School」

Web Site

「Seisa Kokusai High School Main Campus」

Web Site


You Can View Each Channel by Clicking Here

There are 6 channels in total this year! Please scroll down the page for more information!

"The Largest Learning Festival in History", Connecting Japan to the World.


The 6th SEISA Africa Asia Bridge 2023

SEISA Africa Asia Bridge 2023

The Fukuda Doctrine and the Three Guiding Principles of SEISA

This year marks the 50th commemorative year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation, though do you know about the “Fukuda Doctrine”?
In the 1970s, Japan was taunted as being an “economical animal” and Southeast Asian countries were concerned that the rapidly expanding Japanese exports of synthetic rubber and other products would threaten their major local industries.
There were also memories of the former Japanese military advancing into Southeast Asia that Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka faced anti-Japanese riots when he visited Indonesia in 1974.
The “Fukuda Doctrine” is what Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda announced in Manilla to try to improve this situation and it is what serves till this day as the foundation of Japanese diplomacy with the ASEAN countries. The three principles of the doctrine state that Japan would never become a military power, will build a “heart-to-heart relationship”, and will cooperate to build equal partnership with ASEAN countries.
How does this “heart-to-heart relationship” build? I believe that it can only be created by the hands of people who can keep the Three Guiding Principles of SEISA, “Understand each other,” “Leave nobody out,” and “Make Friends.”
SAAB is an initiative made by SEISA friends who keep these three guiding principles. They spend a whole year learning, thinking, and doing things together with the attempt to understand the world that the global society is aiming for by trying to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
To our honored guests, SAAB embodies the educational philosophy of our late former president Miyazawa, and we hope that you will visit the various exhibits and events, picturing our students with the SEISA spirit, spreading the idea of “World Kyosei (living together with harmony)” all across Japan and around the world.

Executive Committee Chair (Former Director of JICA-Africa),

SEISA Africa Asia Bridge Future 宣言

一 . わたしたちは、知ることを通して繋がる、「知繋」という考え方のもと、SEISA Africa Asia Bridgeを通して、アフリカとアジアの共生と相互理解を深め、ユネスコスクールキャンディデート校に選ばれた星槎中学高等学校をはじめ、星槎の理念である、「人を認める」「人を排除しない」「仲間を作る」の3つの約束を掲げて、世界が抱える人権と平和の問題に対して解決できる担い手となります。
Under the guiding principle of 'Chikei: “Connect through Knowledge,” we will deepen the coexistence and mutual understanding between Africa and Asia through the SEISA Africa Asia Bridge. With the lead of SEISA Junior and Senior High School, a selected candidate of UNESCO Associated Schools by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, we will embrace SEISA's three guiding principles of 'Understand each other,' 'Leave nobody out,' and 'Make friends,' and aim to become catalysts capable of addressing global human rights and peace issues.

一. わたしたちは国際連合が掲げる持続可能な開発目標の実現に向けて学びを深め、具体的な行動としてフードバンクなど貧困や飢餓が続く世界に対して、必要とする寄付活動を実践していきます。
We will deepen our understanding and take concrete actions, such as food bank donations, to work towards the realization of the first and second Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations, in order to alleviate global poverty and hunger.

一. わたしたちは、持続可能な開発目標にも掲げられている、気候変動への具体的な対策、自然の豊かさを守ろうという考えのもとで、再生エネルギーを積極的に利用し、節電に努めることなど、経済発展と環境の両立について考え、行動していきます。
We will actively embrace the use of renewable energy and strive for energy conservation, in alignment with the idea of protecting nature's bounty and taking concrete measures against climate change, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.
We will attempt to balance economic development and environmental preservation.

一. わたしたちは、今まで学んできたアフリカ・アジアの知識を自分たちだけで留まらせるだけではなく、より多くの人と共有し、伝え続けます。
We will continue to relay the knowledge obtained through learning about Africa and Asia, to as many people as possible, not just keep it to ourselves.

一. わたしたちは、スポーツを通じて、アフリカ・アジアなどの国々と交流を深め、日本とのかけ橋になるとともに、オリンピック・パラリンピックに参加できる国がより増えていけるよう活動していきます。
We will foster deeper exchanges with countries in Africa, Asia, and other regions We will foster deeper exchanges with countries in Africa, Asia, and other regions through sports, serving as a bridge between Japan and these nations. Additionally, through sports, serving as a bridge between Japan and these nations. Additionally, we will work to increase the number of countries that we will work to increase the number of countries that could could pparticipate in the Olympic articipate in the Olympic and Paralympic Gamesand Paralympic Games.

起草者 Drafter
星槎全国生徒会 SEISA National Student Government 代表 Rep. Student Name 武久日菜子
星槎全国生徒会 SEISA National Student Government 代表 Rep. Student Name 林孝太郎
星槎高等学校 SEISA High School 代表 Rep. Student Name 勝又蒼空
星槎中学校 SEISA Junior High School 代表 Rep. Student Name 福嶋九龍
星槎もみじ中学校 SEISA Momiji Junior High School 代表 Rep. Student Name 桝家結衣

What is SAAB?

TIME TABLE タイムテーブル

Please check out our SAAB each channel of archive videos

"The Largest Learning Festival in History", Connecting Japan to the World.


TIME TABLE タイムテーブル

Please check out our SAAB each channel of archive videos

“The Largest Learning Festival in History," Connecting Families across Japan to about 40 sites all over Japan, the U.S. (NYC and UNDP), and Myanmar.

Time Table

TIME TABLE タイムテーブル

Please check out our SAAB each channel of archive videos

“The Largest Learning Festival in History," Connecting Families across Japan to about 40 sites all over Japan, the U.S. (NYC and UNDP), and Myanmar.

Time Table

The 5th SEISA Africa Asia Bridge 2019


Click here to read about the previous event.

The 5th SEISA Africa Asia Bridge 2019 was held last year.
Thirty-two countries, including Japan, participated in the festival, and more than 8,000 people attended.

WEB Pamphlet

The 5th SEISA Africa Asia
Bridge 2019

Read the Digital Pamphlet

Last year's pamphlet can be found here.


Please read the followings

<What You Need to Participate in the Program>
・Smartphones and computers (PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Android devices)You can participate with a smartphone or tablet, but not with a mobile phone.
・Earphones (optional)

・Please make sure that you have a stable internet environment.
・Using a wired or Wi-Fi connection is recommended. If you use a mobile phone line, please check the mobile phone line capacity in advance.
・The participants will be responsible for the cost of data services.
・We recommend that you use this service from your home. We do not recommend that you use the service when you are away from home, as it may cause unexpected problems, including in terms of security.

・It is strictly forbidden to record the seminar and share the video or video URL without permission.
・It is strictly forbidden to record video footage, share video URLs without permission, slander and defame the participants in the chat room, and disclose information about the participants.
・If any of the above prohibitions are found, you will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

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